Is the United States done being the world’s cop? If only...
Despite what the New York Times claims, there’s zero evidence that the US is turning its back on its self-appointed role as global policeman. All that’s changed is that it’s now consumed by one main mission: confronting China.
well-thought-out article in the New York Times asks an interesting
question: “Is the United States done being the world's cop?” Most people will
understand what that description means: the discursive image that America is
the global policeman, framing itself as a country that apparently constantly
engages in overseas military action in the name of ‘democracy’ and ‘a
rules-based international order’. A country that is zealous, but apparently
driven by good intentions and for the wellbeing of all, right? At least, that’s
how its advocates paint it.
The article
touches on the rapid pace of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the equally
rapid gains of the Taliban to make the argument that, similar to Trump’s
‘America first’ doctrine, President Biden has had enough of the ‘forever wars’
approach that defined the opening decades of this century and is now taking a
narrower approach that no longer involves costly military adventures against
foreign countries.
It depicts
a historically woven journey from US isolationism at the beginning of the 20th
century to the present day. It offers a contrary view, too, citing Noam
Chomsky’s observation that “little is changing” in practice in American foreign
policy and it’s still led by self-interest.
observations are the most accurate way to describe what is happening. America
is not quitting as the world policeman because, arguably, it has never really
assumed that role. The argument being made in the NYT’s article is, in effect,
that the US is withdrawing from the world, after its flawed global war on
terrorism and the invasion of Iraq did “severe damage to the humanitarian
justification for military intervention”.
“Decades of
fear-mongering about foreign threats by Washington insiders …” it argues,
“have obscured what truly harms Americans: substandard education and health
care systems, dilapidated infrastructure, gun violence, inequality,
congressional gridlock and climate change.”
If only
that were true. Unfortunately, the evidence is all to the contrary. Washington’s
overtures to democracy and human rights above all have always been a sugar
coating for what is a highly aggressive and self-interest-driven foreign policy
that simply differs according to geopolitical context and method. When viewed
in this light, nothing has changed at all.
The US
still believes in imposing its ideology over the whole world and reigning
supreme, and it is misleading to claim its destruction of various countries was
done in the name of the greater good or in pursuit of some kind of altruistic
cause. If one looks at the Biden administration, it may be sidestepping certain
specific conflicts in relation to terrorism and the Islamic world, but the same
zealous and self-interested foreign policy, presented as a global struggle for
democracy, is still very much in evidence. All that has shifted is the enemy
and the point of emphasis. Only yesterday, after all, Biden launched an
airstrike against Somalia.
What the
article gets right is that, in the wake of World War I, American foreign policy
experienced a shift. The US entry into that war and Woodrow Wilson’s points redefined its doctrine from having a merely regional isolationist
scope (where it had planted itself as the hegemon of the Americas), into a
globe-spanning one that permanently fused the idea that, in its ‘national
interest’, the US had to remake the world in its own image. Thus ‘national
security’, ‘ideology’ and ‘interest’ all became one encapsulating vision in
what was the commencement of the universalisation of American foreign
It is this
approach that, ever since, has seen the US locked into a zero-sum game of
hegemony because of its inability to compromise on dogmatism. The mindset is
that the US is not ‘safe or secure’ unless the world is completely in harmony
with it. There is always something that is ‘threatening’ it – and this set the
stage for the Cold War, the War on Terror and, now, of course, the China
What the
NYT article also gets wrong is that the concept of ‘forever wars’ has dominated
the entire period since World War II. It was only more prominent during the War
on Terror period of 2001 to 2018 because the international system was unipolar
and therefore there was less opposition to the United States.
spree of conflicts across the Middle East is ending not so much because of
domestic opposition to them – the US is always capable of drumming up public
consensus for war, after all – but because its foreign-policy priorities have
shifted back towards ‘geopolitical competition’, with this again being defined
as a win-lose fight between democracy and authoritarianism.
rhetoric has been soaked in talk of “winning” the 21st century and
“defeating” China, and the abiding principle remains the same:
national-interest politics is inseparable from the aim of spreading and
dominating values, even if, in practice, that is not true.
That the US
may wage fewer wars in this period is not because it is “less altruistic” than
before – this is the major mistake in the NYT piece – but because it lacks the
political space in the international system to do so. The Syrian war was a
turning point in this, as for the first time in decades, the US faced serious
resistance to its regime-change efforts from competing powers. In essence,
Russia thwarted America’s plans, providing an opposition that was missing in
Iraq and Libya.
The US
doctrine of ‘spreading democracy in the Middle East’ has now shifted to
‘spreading democracy to counter China’. The Biden administration would likely
more than happily wage a proxy war against Beijing if the circumstances were
right, so as to win control of a particular country or territory, in the way of
the cold wars of the past.
Any claim that there’s been a shift in US foreign-policy doctrine towards renouncing the idea of fighting ‘foreign wars’ is misplaced and misleading. There has been no such tilt, not even by an inch: Washington has merely refined where its priorities are, and they lie 6,922 miles away.
Tom Fowdy
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